Research Report
Screening Twelve Species of Sponges for Biomedical Activity in Gulf of Mannar Tuticorin Coast 
2. Unit of Toxicology, Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 627412, India
Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi,Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India - 627 412.

International Journal of Marine Science, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 6 doi: 10.5376/ijms.2012.02.0006
Received: 08 Sep., 2012 Accepted: 04 Oct., 2012 Published: 10 Oct., 2012
Chairman et al., 2012, Screening Twelve Species of Sponges for Biomedical Activity in Gulf of Mannar Tuticorin Coast, International Journal of Marine Science, Vol.2, No.6 43-50 (doi: 10.5376/ijms. 2012.02.0006)
To screen the antibacterial efficacy of various solvent extracts of 12 species marine sponges against some selected bacteria and fungi human pathogenic bacteria. Crude extracts were prepared from the selected marine sponge using different solvents namely, ethyl acetate and methanol and were tested for their antibacterial activity against human pathogenic bacteria using disc diffusion method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was also performed for selected solvent extracts for all the bacterial species. A suitable positive control was also maintained. Among the marine sponge 12 species screened were found to be more active than 2 sponges. It was observed that the ethyl acetate extracts of the marine sponge showed higher inhibitory activity for the selected bacterial species than methanol solvent extracts. The results revealed that the crude ethyl acetate extracts seem to be a good source material in identifying the effective pure antibacterial compound in the sponges. The present study showed that the ethyl acetate extracts of marine sponges such as exhibited good antimicrobial activity. But the ethyl acetate of Aurora globostellata (Carter) and Spirastrella inconstans var. moeandrina Dendy sponge possessed highest antibacterial activity than methanol extracts and so it could be useful in seeking active principles against human pathogenic bacteria.
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. K. Chairman

. A.J.A. Ranjit Singh

. M. Ramesh

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