Correlation Between Mangrove and Aquaculture Production: Case Study in Sinjai District, Sulawesi, Indonesia 
2. Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 14 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0014
Received: 04 May, 2013 Accepted: 03 Jun., 2013 Published: 15 Jun., 2013
Haris, 2013, Correlation between Mangrove and Aquaculture Production: Case Study in Sinjai District, Sulawesi, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.14 73-78 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0014)
Mangrove ecosystem generally accepted as nursery ground of variety if ahrimp and fish fries. The study has three objectives, namely to analyze the correlation (1) between mangrove percent ratio and primary product aquaculture, (2) between mangrove percent ratio and secondary product aquaculture, and (3) between direct benefit value mangrove ecosystem and coastal fisheries production. The research was carried out in Samataring village and Tongke village in East Sinjaisub-district, Sinjai district. Trend of fisheries data both from capture and aquaculture were analyzed, then compared with purposive sampling interview. Correlation and regression analysis were used to generate equations. The results of this research are as follows: (1) the correlation between mangrove ratio percentage and increased primary aquaculture produce negatively correlates and results in an equation of y=0.091x+8.800 with R2=0.99, (2) mangrove ratio percentage and increased secondary aquaculture produce are positively correlated and results in an equation of y=0.016x+0.239 with R2=0.99, and (3) Mangrove ecosystem direct benefit value and increased coastal catch produce positively correlate and result in an equation of y=0.485x-0.347 with R2=0.99.
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Other articles by authors
. Abdul Haris

. Ario Damar

. Dietriech Bengen

. Fredinan Yulianda

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