Study on Comparative Assessment of Aquaculture Technology Adoption by the Carp, Golda and Bagda Fishers in the Sidre Affected Area of Bangladesh 
2 National Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant, FAO, Bangladesh

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0009
Received: 11 Apr., 2013 Accepted: 24 Apr., 2013 Published: 06 May, 2013
Howlader and Abul, 2013, Study on Comparative Assessment of Aquaculture Technology Adoption by the Carp, Golda and Bagda Fishers in the Sidre Affected Area of Bangladesh, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.9 38-42 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0009)
The study was carried out in November 2102 to assess the comparative assessment of aquaculture technology adoption by the Carp, Golda and Bagda fishers in the Sidre affected area of Bangladesh. The study was done under the Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration (ECRRP) Project (Component-A) with the help of staff of Shakoler Janny Kallyan, Non Government organization (NGO). There were three types of respondents (Carp, Golda and Bagda Fishers). The summery findings of the study are described in this section in briefly. It is found from the analysis that 100% of the Carp fishers indicated to have adopted at least one new aquaculture technology disseminated by the project for improved carp fish culture in the ponds. 31.5% of the Carp fishers indicated to have adopted 4 types of new technologies (the list of the new aquaculture technologies were identified by the project expert and DoF field officials) while 20.3% adopted five types of new technologies. The 100% of the Golda fishers adopted at least one new technology disseminated by the project for improved Golda shrimp culture. 95.5% adopted the technology named “improved Pond/Gher preparation” while the adoption rate of female fishers (98.1%) is higher than in male (94.9%). 100% of the Bagda fishers adopted at least one new technology disseminated by the project for improved Bagda shrimp culture in Ghers/ponds. The second highest number of fishers (88.85%) adopted the technology of “use of supplementary fish feed” while the lowest number of fishers (48%) adopted the technology “maintaining proper shrimp post larvae stocking” from the five disseminated new technologies by the project.
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. Nikar Chandra Howlader

. Kalam Abul

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