Performance Analysis of Black Tiger Shrimp Farmer for Implementation of Traceability From Sea to Table 

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 5 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0005
Received: 24 Jan., 2013 Accepted: 18 Feb., 2013 Published: 20 Mar., 2013
Soedrijanto, 2013, Performance Analysis of Black Tiger Shrimp Farmer for Implementation of Traceability from Sea to Table, Int'l J. Aqua., Vol.3, No.5 17-22 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0005)
Implementation of traceability in the pond was relatively easy because the track record is not much data to be collected/written related to food safety. This study aims to determine the factors critical point linkage and alignment between performance with consistency and commitment through the implementation of the technical components of cultivation so that traceability can be applied easily, honestly and accurately on shrimp farming. The method used is a fish bone diagram with a combination of balanced score card. Logical and accurate assessment can only be given by researchers with experts in the field of aquaculture panelists include: experienced pond owners; technicians and technical service ponds of shrimp feed, aquaculture facilities and entrepreneurs. The results showed that the tracer to obtain data from high-performance bervaliditas cultivation, the Government together with the existing aquaculture associations should 'sit together' to build databases tracer. The database shall contain the technical component tracer cultivation made during cultivation. Based on the factors critical point linkage and alignment between performance with consistency and commitment through a culture of technical components, the initiation of the implementation of traceability from sea to table requires farmers to ask for the sale memorandum of hatchery-coded tracer when buying, selling memorandum issued coded tracer harvest shrimp to the supplier, and submit a copy of a memorandum invoice fry with shrimp sales to the supplier to be delivered to the mill (cold storage) as a search information. Tracer data recorded in the memorandum of farmers by the Supplier to be passed to the factory; then it already has the data traceability ensured complete tracer, trace, accurate and able to answer the claim in case of food safety incidents.
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Other articles by authors
. Angky Soedrijanto

. Martani Huseini

. Margono Setiawan

. Eddy Suprayitno

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