2 Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute, P. O. Box 75/P. Bag 2075, Kariba, Zimbabwe

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 4 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0004
Received: 25 Jan., 2013 Accepted: 04 Feb., 2013 Published: 21 Mar., 2013
Utete et al., 2013, Impact of Aquaculture on Water Quality in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.4 11-16 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0004)
This study investigated the water quality at the aquaculture effluent discharge points in Lake Kariba. Water samples were collected at three sites designated Site 1 (Crocodile Farm effluent discharge point), Site 2 (Fish Farm effluent discharge point) and Site 3 (Control point) from the month of September 2011 to January, 2012. Physico-chemical variables (temperature, total dissolved solids, turbidity, pH, conductivity, nitrates, ammonia, and ortho-phosphate) were measured. Turbidity, total dissolved solids, pH and conductivity were found to be significantly (ANOVA, p<0.05) high at aquaculture effluentdischarge points compared to the control point. Relative to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Environmental Management Authority of Zimbabwe (EMA-SI) guidelines for aquatic waters, turbidity, nitrates and ammonia at site 1 and site 2 were found to exceed the maximum allowable limit (5NTU), 10 mg/L and 0.05 mg/L respectively while dissolved oxygen was below the minimum allowable limit of 5 mg/L. All other physico-chemical parameters were within the accepted range at all stations. While the physico-chemical results indicated deteriorating water quality at the discharge point due to the effluent inflow, the large water volume in Lake Kariba plays an important factor in diluting aquaculture effluent.
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Other articles by authors
. Beaven Utete

. Letween Mutasa

. Nobuhle Ndhlovu

. Itai Hillary Tendaupenyu

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. Aquaculture effluent

. Discharge points

. Water quality

. Lake volume

. Lake Kariba

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