Population and hierarchical genetic structure of Badis badis (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822) in sub-Himalayan Terai region of West Bengal, India 

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 27 doi: 10.5376/ija.2015.05.0027
Received: 20 Jun., 2015 Accepted: 21 Jul., 2015 Published: 16 Sep., 2015
Mukhopadhyay T. and Bhattacharjee S., 2015, Population and hierarchical genetic structure of Badis badis (Hamilton- Buchanan, 1822) in sub-Himalayan Terai region of West Bengal, India, International Journal of Aquaculture, 5(27): 1-10
Badis badis is a threatened ornamental freshwater fish in the Indian scenario. But the population genetic background of this ichthyofauna is largely unexplored in the eastern sub-Himalayan hotspot region of West Bengal state of India, known as the Terai. We have studied six populations from two major streams (Mahananda and Balason) of the region through RAPD fingerprinting. The allelic richness, Shannon’s Information index and a measure of evenness were calculated for each population. The SHE analysis revealed the change in diversity pattern in a spatial scale. Our results indicated that the allelic richness decreased and the evenness increased in the populations as the streams drained from higher to a lower altitude. The Nei’s genetic distance, genetic identity and UPGMA dendrogram revealed that the six populations formed two distinct groups. The principal component analysis also supported the UPGMA dendrogram. The pair-wise gene differentiation and gene flow between the populations showed the hierarchical genetic structure of Badis badis in the studied region.
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. Tanmay Mukhopadhyay

. Soumen Bhattacharjee

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. Badis badis

. Threatened ornamental fish

. SHE analysis

. Genetic hierarchy

. RAPD fingerprinting

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